Articles on: Video Files

Recommended Video Settings for Live Streaming via OneStream

For a smooth streaming experience, follow the recommended video settings with OneStream Live. These settings are like a guide to help you get the best results without any hiccups. Stick to these suggestions, and you'll avoid any disruptions and make your content look great on your desired destinations.

Recommended Video Settings

Though OneStream is capable of handling most kinds of mp4, mov and m4v video files, we recommend the following video settings for best live streaming results when streaming via OneStream.

Format: mp4

Video codec: H.264 (AVC)

Audio codec: AAC

fps: 60 max (Higher fps may cause disruption of stream)

Video duration: At least 1 minute

Orientation: Landscape, Portrait, Square

Audio bitrate: 128 kbps

Video bitrates: 1500 kbps - 6000 kbps

360-degree Video bitrate: 5000 kbps - 10000 kbps

Going above or below this video bitrate range is possible but may make live streams unstable under certain circumstances

Normal Video Resolutions (width x height) for popular platforms

       Facebook     1920 x 1080       (1080p)
       YouTube       1920 x 1080       (1080p)
       Twitch          1920 x 1080       (1080p)
       LinkedIn       1920 x 1080       (1080p)

360° or 180° Resolution (width x height):

Copyright Content

Live streams containing copyright audio or video (even background copyright music) will be automatically stopped or interrupted by the destination platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc.

OneStream has no control over it, so please make sure the videos that are streamed are free of any copyrighted content.

What is video bitrate and what is an ideal video bitrate for live streaming? Read Here.

What is FPS and what is an ideal FPS for live streaming? Read Here.

What is video transcoding and how can it help you? Read Here.

Choosing the right bitrate is important for streaming, Learn More

Related Articles:

How to convert video file to the correct format

Why Does My Live Stream Have a Lower Video Quality Than the Original Video?

Updated on: 10/02/2024

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