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How to Set Up Event Announcements for Recorded Events?

Event Announcement

Event announcements can be used to send announcements about your upcoming stream on Facebook (Pages, Groups, Profiles), YouTube, and LinkedIn. We provide various timing options for scheduling the announcements:


30 minutes before going live

1 hour before going live

At a custom time

In order to set up an event announcement, it's necessary to create a schedule at least 15 minutes ahead of start time.

Event Announcement is only supported for Facebook (Pages, Groups, Profile), YouTube New Event and LinkedIn.


If you schedule a video to go live on 13th Oct at 15:00 and opt to announce the event 1 day before going live, an announcement will be sent to your social account on 12th October at

If on the other hand you decide to create an announcement immediately, an announcement post will be created on your social accounts as soon as you set up the schedule.

The announcement lets your friends/followers on Facebook or YouTube know that you plan to go live at 15:15 and creates a URL of your stream that you can share on other social media platforms.

How to set event announcement

While scheduling a recorded event, scroll down and right next to Ready to Go Live Now, check on the box for Schedule for later. Set a time for your event to go live on.

Toggle on the Event Announcement button and select the desired time for the event announcement to trigger.

You can also save these announcement preferences for later usage by marking the Save these announcement settings as default for future events checkbox.

Scroll down and click the Schedule Stream button to schedule your stream.

The toggle button for announcements will be displayed only when a Facebook, YouTube or LinkedIn account is chosen as the destination.

How to get stream link of the announced event

Once the stream is scheduled and announced on the designated social media platform, select the corresponding destination icon displayed under the scheduled stream's title. This action will direct you to the announced event page on the destination platform.

Next, navigate to the Share icon located under the announced event on the destination platform.

Select the preferred option to either copy or share the stream link with your audience.

Related Articles:

How do Facebook Notifications Work?

How to Schedule a Stream for Later?

Updated on: 03/07/2025

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