How to live stream to Wix Website by scheduling an event?
Live Streaming on a Scheduled Wix Event
If you do not have a Wix account, please sign up here.
In order to live stream to Wix, you will have to add Wix Video widget on your website to enable live streaming options.
Create a Wix website by adding Wix video widget to enable live streaming options. In order to add a Wix Video widget, click on the + icon -> Video and Music -> Wix Video.

Go to your Video Library and select Live Stream and then Schedule Event.

Fill the details to schedule your live event. Click the Channel drop-down and select Channel. Select the date from the calendar and the time of day.

Choose a Cover Image or video for your live stream. Add the stream details (e.g stream title, publisher, category, tag and description etc).

Select an option under Channel Pricing.

You can also choose other options such as Show Trailer, More About This Video and Let Viewers Embed this Video

You will be able to see the scheduled event in the Live Stream tab. When you select the option Go Live Now. You will get two options:
Go live from Desktop.
Go live from Mobile.

It is important to connect the correct channel to your Wix Video on your website before publishing your website.
Going Live from Desktop
After clicking the option "Go live on Desktop", you need to select I Have an Encoder option.

Copy the Stream URL and the Stream Key.

Now go to OneStream Live Home page, click on Add Social Platform and select Custom RTMP and give it a name of your choice. Paste the copied Stream URL and Stream Key.

Review the Encoder settings and click Connect.

Once the Wix custom RTMP account is connected, you can schedule a pre-recorded stream on this account. The live stream will start broadcasting on your website at the set date and time.
Going Live from Mobile
You may use this option but it does not include connecting an encoder such as OneStream Live to it. With the mobile app you can only go live via your device camera and microphone.
Related Article:
How to upload and schedule a video for pre-recorded streaming?
What is custom RTMP link streaming?
How to live stream on a custom RTMP link?
How to live stream on Wix using OneStream Live?
Updated on: 01/14/2024
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