Articles on: Custom RTMP

What is Custom RTMP link streaming?

Custom RTMP Streaming:

RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) is a protocol used for video streaming. With a custom RTMP destination in OneStream Live, you can stream to any platform if you have a valid RTMP link and Streaming Key.

Custom RTMP link opens up unlimited possibilities for users to stream their pre-recorded videos or go live in real-time using OneStream Studio or a third-party RTMP source anywhere. You can stream to different destinations like Dlive, Steam, etc., or even your RTMP server if you have any.

In our Custom RTMP knowledge base, you can find guides to help you set up streaming to some popular live streaming platforms using a custom RTMP account.


It is recommended to test the validity of your custom RTMP account with a small test video file. If it runs successfully, you can set up the real file for scheduling. This is because we cannot know if the provided RTMP link and key are correct in the case of a custom RTMP social account. We do not 'connect' to the destination platform, so we cannot tell if the link is correct and if there is any error being sent by the destination.

Related Articles:

How to live stream on a custom RTMP link?

Updated on: 08/01/2023

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