Articles on: Facebook Live Streaming

How to Live Stream on a Facebook Event using OneStream Live?

Creating an Online Event on Facebook

To go live on a Facebook event, kindly follow the steps mentioned below:


From the left-hand sidebar, select where you would like to go live and the selected Facebook profile, page or group will be the host of the Facebook event.

Click on Create live video event > Create Event in Facebook Live Producer.

In the left-hand sidebar, enter event details including Event name, date & time, privacy and description.

Click on Next.

In the left-hand column, click on Settings > Stream.

Copy persistent stream key from the right side window.

Click on Create Event.

Click on Set up Live Video.

In the left-hand sidebar, make sure that Complete post details check box is green.

Scroll down and toggle on Go Live automatically at scheduled start time.

Click on Save changes .

Go to OneStream Live dashboard homepage and click on Add Social Platform.

Select Custom RTMP option.

Assign a name to your Custom RTMP social account & choose platform as Facebook.

Paste the Persistent stream key copied from Facebook Event.

Click Connect.

Once the Custom RTMP account is connected, schedule pre-recorded videos or go live in Real-time on that Custom RTMP social account via OneStream Live.

The stream will go live on the Facebook event at the set date & time automatically!

Schedule the stream in OneStream by setting up the time to be 1 minute after the scheduled time on Facebook. For example, if you have scheduled video on Facebook at 10:00 set the scheduled time in OneStream to be 10:01. This is to prevent any stream cut at the beginning of the video due to a slight time difference between Facebook's and your computer's clock.

How to use Facebook Live, Read Complete Guide Here.

Facebook will now automatically remove your Livestreams from their storage after 30 days. Learn more about the updated policy.

Related Articles:

How to upload and schedule a video for live streaming?

How to schedule an External RTMP Source live event?

Updated on: 03/05/2025

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