Articles on: Destination Platforms

How to Live Stream on Instagram using OneStream Live

Live Streaming on Instagram

Before you begin:

Keep in mind that Instagram Live Producer is now available to only Professional Accounts and this feature is only available on desktop via

Steps to configure Instagram:

Go to Instagram Desktop dashboard, and on the left sidebar click, Create, then select Live Video.

Add your Instagram Live Title and your Audience Preference.

You can choose Public or Practice depending upon your preference for Audience.

Once the Audience Preference is selected, Click on the Next Button.

You will get your Stream Key and Stream URL. Copy the Stream URL and key.

Instagram stream key is not persistent. It will change every time you want to live stream. Therefore you must copy the stream key before every live stream. If you do not want to copy stream key before every live stream connect Instagram account using instafeed.

Navigate to OneStream Live Dashboard and click on Add Social Platform button.

Select the option Instagram.

Select the option Configure Manually.

Fill in the following details:

Fill in the your Social Account Name
You can select the option Auto Detect for the stream URL or choose the available URL available.
Paste your Instagram Stream key

Click on the Connect button to connect your destination.

Now you can Schedule a pre-recorded stream or go live in real-time using OneStream Studio or any External RTMP Source on this Instagram account and it will be live streamed to your followers on Instagram.

Keep in mind that once you Schedule the stream from OneStream Live, you have to manually go Live by clicking on the Go Live button on Instagram preview section.

Once you're Live, You can check the comments and interact with the audience.

To check stream Logs, click on Event Logs to check your Live Stream metrices.

For Instagram, the video should be in Portrait mode. We recommend a 720p with 30 fps video in portrait mode, although 1080 will work too. For example, the IGTV portrait video dimensions can be 1080 x 1920 pixels and an aspect ratio of 9:16.

Instagram allows a maximum stream time of 4 hours per video.

Related Articles:

How to Live Stream directly on Instagram?

How to switch to Instagram Professional Account.

How to reply to viewer's comments on Instagram?

Instagram Stream Key Error Fix

How to upload and schedule a video for pre-recorded streaming?

How to live stream on a custom RTMP link?

Updated on: 06/22/2024

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